On Sun, 2005-02-27 at 09:41 -0500, Ken Murchison wrote:
> Craig White wrote:
> > All users are set up with user.USER_NAME except the 'public' user that I
> > created.
> > 
> > if I send mail to public or [EMAIL PROTECTED], it creates a mailbox
> > user.public and for this one user only, I want it to go to simply public
> > and not user.public - is this possible?
> Assuming that you have created the 'public' mailbox, and have given the 
> anonymous user the 'p' right, send mail to 
> <postuser>[EMAIL PROTECTED]  By default the postuser imapd.conf 
> option is the empty string, so you mail to +public.
this worked - thanks
>   CMU sets postuser 
> to "bb", so it would be bb+public
this creates (again) the user.bb and I gave this idea up



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