On Mon, 2005-06-06 at 17:53 +0100, Imran Aziz wrote:

> Can anyone please save my life, and sort this out. I promise I will
> never come into Unix territory and stay with easy installs of windows.

Since it seems you're using a RPM-based system, why don't you install
the cyrus binary rpms? On Fedora Core (and on many other distributions)
installing cyrus-imapd is much easier than any other Windows add-on
package, since it's already on the DVD/CD and you don't even need to
download or compile it. Just choose the right option at install time, or
install later with rpm -i. Of course, the Fedora cyrus rpm is made to
work with the rest of Fedora rpms. If you replaced some of them with
third party rpms, you may run into problems. If you like binary
installs, why are you trying building from source? 

Unexperienced users and building a large piece of software from source
don't go together well, on _any_ system. I really doubt that compiling
and building a package under Windows is much easier, especially one
offering the broad variety of configuration options of cyrus. To be
fair, you should compare apples with apples.

Anyway, I've read you mail with Subject: incorrect version of Berkeley
db error. How happened that cyrus was compiled with a different version
of BDB? It takes having two versions installed on the same system,
compiling against one and running using the other one. Why?

I've had look at your former messages. I may be missing something, but
don't get why you're not using the system libraries and are compiling
against stuff in /usr/local in the first place. On your very first mail
for example, I see: --with-bdb-libdir=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.3/lib.
Why are you using /usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.3?

If you're building all libraries as well, no wonder this is going to be
a pain, you're making your own Linux distribution, building it from
sources, and resolving dependencies along the way! I still strongly
advice for using a binary rpm made for your distribution. If you really
want to build from sources, try and stick using your system libraries as
close as possible. Unfortunately, it seems you already installed a lot
of stuff, you should now pay attention to what is found in /usr/local
and what in /usr. If you run a ./configure without giving any explict
path (i.e., no --with-bdb-libdir, no --with-bdb-incdir, no --with-sasl,
and so on), what happens? Does it find the right things in /usr/lib and

      ____/  ____/   /
     /      /       /                   Marco Colombo
    ___/  ___  /   /                  Technical Manager
   /          /   /                      ESI s.r.l.
 _____/ _____/  _/                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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