Hi Leon,

There is (one of many) way(s) how you can perfom a backup:

This script is only for the mailboxes (/var/spool/mail/imap in my case) and the files in /var/imap (for example: mailboxes.db)


#first do an unstable copy  (just to reduce the downtime of cyrus later)


        echo "start backup of imap..." >> $tmplog 2>&1

        echo "rsync of /var/imap" >> $tmplog 2>&1
rsync -a --delete /var/imap /raid/mail_backup/tmpstore/varimap/ \ >> $tmplog 2>&1

        echo "rsync of /raid/mail/imap" >> $tmplog 2>&1
        rsync -a --delete /var/spool/mail/imap \
        /raid/mail_backup/tmpstore/varspoolimap/ >> $tmplog 2>&1

#now we do an rsync to "stabilize" the backup

#shut down cyrus
echo "stopping cyrus" >> $tmplog 2>&1
/usr/local/bin/cyrus stop >> $tmplog 2>&1

#sync with rsync to get a 'stable' backup

rsync -a --delete /var/imap /raid/mail_backup/tmpstore/varimap/ >> $tmplog 2>&1

rsync -a --delete /var/spool/mail/imap \ /raid/mail_backup/tmpstore/varspoolimap/ >> $tmplog 2>&1

#start cyrus
echo "starting cyrus..." >> $tmplog 2>&1
/usr/local/bin/cyrus start >> $tmplog 2>&1

#finally we move the whole temporary backup of the disk onto a tape:
#(requires an own script)

#do the rest... (like a normal backup, but with the archived paths in imap.list

echo "starting rest of backup..." >> $tmplog 2>&1


echo "...done." >> $tmplog 2>&1

# clean the temporary directory
rm -Rf /raid/mail_backup/tmpstore/*


I hope you can use it... If you have questions just feel free to ask.

best regards,


Hello All,
Could you please point me to some good tutorial/manual on how to backup and restore Cyrus DB and mailboxes. Best Regards,
Leon Kolchinsky


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Muth Vittorio . System Administration
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