--On January 3, 2006 12:08:01 PM -0700 Anthony Chavez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, info-cyrus!

Any comments regarding your experiences in deployment and administration
would be very much appreciated.  I'm also interested in knowing about
performance and what "risks" are involved, as mentioned in the above

Set up a lab env, mimicing or duplicating your production env. MURDER is quite safe and stable. I use it in a few very busy installations without issue. I'm not even running anything resembling 'state of the art' for Cyrus either, most systems are 2.1, 2.2.17-ish based. We've a few minor patches in the code still that I haven't pushed to the Cyrus people I think, mostly WRT setting host names used in banners in the config file rather than using the host's real name, in particular for the front-ends. Most of those, if not all, I've atleast submitted to the dev team for inclusion and I think they were accepted, but it's been a while...no doubt there'll be a flurry of new posts and possibly patches as I gear up to re-rev everything here from Woody to Sarge. :)

I've been very happy, however, there can be a bit of a bottleneck if you're not aware of the read/write paths in the MURDER/mupdate daemons. Each front end should have their own (read only) copy of the master database. This does two things, greatly reduces the load on your mupdate master, and, in the event of a minor, or complete failure, of the master, allows you to recover quickly and (relatively) easily.


[1] http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus/download/imapd/install-murder.html

Anthony Chavez                                 http://anthonychavez.org/
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]         jabber:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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