  I would like to check out if it is the autocreate patch's fault for this

So, do you have the createonpost option enabled in your imapd.conf???? Do
you get the same error if you disable it? Does the mailbox to which you
deliver the mail exist or is it created at that time?

Could you please enable debug level in the syslog and send the relevant
lines in your syslog?


Mitja Sladovic wrote:
> Simon Matter pravi:
>> I am pleased to announce the release of Cyrus IMAPd 2.3.1 as Invoca RPM
>> designed for RedHat/Fedora Core based distributions. The RPM builds on
> Simon, thanks for your work!
> I have one problem :)
> After RHEL4 box upgrade (2.2.12) to 2.3.1, deliver crashes with sig 11...
> Jan 24 10:01:21 mail postfix/pipe[25836]: 40F23C0002: to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> relay=cyrus, delay=0, status=deferred (Command died with signal 11:
> "/usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/deliver")
> Somebody with the same problem?
> Mitja
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Did you visit http://email.uoa.gr?

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