> Hello there,
> I'm running Debian Sarge with Cyrus 2.1.18 on an IBM xSeries Dual-Xeon
> with
> 8GB RAM and 450GB disks (ServeRaid controller, RAID5 w/ hot-spare). The
> machine serves 22000 accounts (mostly POP3, ca. 250 IMAP users) and has
> been
> running happily without any notable load for a year.
> When one of the RAID disks failed, the following rebuild, propably due to
> a
> not very sensible default setting in the RAID controller, caused the
> machine
> to stall. Authentication took forever and pop3d and imapd processes were
> piling up. The server had to be shutdown rather ungracefully making the
> various Cyrus DBs and some filesystems suffer.
> After a successfull RAID rebuild, filesystem checks and a longish
> cyrreconstruct run (7 hours) things seemed to be fine again. But since
> then
> the system is causing trouble on a daily basis with issues like these:
> cyrus/lmtpd[29054]:
>   DBERROR: init /var/lib/cyrus/db: cyrusdb error
> cyrus/lmtpd[29054]:
>   FATAL: lmtpd: unable to init duplicate delivery database
> cyrus/pop3d[29049]:
>   DBERROR: init (TLS: /var/lib/cyrus/db): cyrusdb error
> cyrus/lmtpd[29070]:
>   DBERROR: dbenv->open '/var/lib/cyrus/db' failed:
>   DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery
> Removing deliver.db and tls_cache.db between stopping and re-starting
> Cyrus
> has worked till now, but the same thing breaking again and again really
> starts to annoy me and the users.
> I've run cyrreconstruct. I've wandered through the mailing list archive
> and
> found countless posts mentioning DB errors, but no real solution.
> Documentation seems to be outdated, wrong, or non-existant. I feel lost.
> Is there *any* way to make this setup work again reliably or is there no
> other solution than to switch to a less fragile software?!

I guess your cyrus configdirectory is /var/lib/cyrus. Then, did you try
removing the transaction logs in /var/lib/cyrus/db after removing
deliver.db and tls_cache.db?

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