* Hadron Quark wrote in gnu.emacs.gnus:


>> Done, but I think my removal of ~/News/marks <snipped above> is still
>> a

> Dont remove Marks - that is where gnus stores its "position data" I think.

it is recreating the entire Usenet hierarchy in

Here is a snippet of the contents:

uk         uq            uunet     vegas    wales          world     yu
ukc        ural          uva       verio    wanadoo        worldnet  yuba
ukonline   us            uvic      vgc      wanadoouk      wpg       z-
ukr        usask         uvm       vic      wash           wpi       za
ukrainet   usa-today     uw        video    weblogic       wri       zen

unacceptable, it still happens even with the below changes. I have a
local spool and want to use it but for some reason it is not compatible
with leafnode. I use leafnode2 <see headers> if that matters.

> But all is not lost : you can ignore it too -

> http://gnus.org/manual/gnus_185.html

[03:09 PM][J:[EMAIL PROTECTED] cat .gnus.el
(setq user-mail-address "[EMAIL PROTECTED]")
(setq user-full-name "SINNER")

(setq gnus-select-method '(nntp "localhost"))

(setq gnus-check-new-newsgroups nil
      gnus-read-active-file nil
      gnus-nov-is-evil nil)

(setq nnfolder-marks-is-evil 1)
tried above with nil which is the default, no change.

No change, still get the Bootstrapping ... message and the recreation of
the above.

Any other thoughts?
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