* Charles philip Chan wrote in gnu.emacs.gnus:
> On 29 Dec 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> No, but why would it mark what is not necessary?

> No, it should only create the hierachy and .marks files for the groups
> you are subscribe to.

>> absolutley not.

>> [04:34 PM][J:[EMAIL PROTECTED] cat .newsrc | grep ':'
>> alt.comp.os.linux: 1-64
>> alt.games.mame: 1-902,1598,1600
>> alt.os.linux: 1-1081,1433,2586,2588,2594-2595,2605-2606
>> alt.os.linux.debian: 1-213
>> alt.os.linux.ubuntu: 1-1231
>> alt.smokers.cigars: 1-1553
>> news.software.readers: 1-3000,3090-3092

> Strange.

Tell me about it :)

>> Do you use the spool or nntp setting in .gnus.el?

> nntp.

> Can you post all your Gnus settings to the group?

(setq user-mail-address "[EMAIL PROTECTED]")
(setq user-full-name "SINNER")

(setq gnus-select-method '(nntp "localhost"))

(setq gnus-check-new-newsgroups nil
      gnus-read-active-file nil
      gnus-nov-is-evil nil)

(setq nnfolder-marks-is-evil 1)

A newspaper is a circulating library with high blood pressure.
                -- Arthure "Bugs" Baer
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