* Reiner Steib wrote in gnu.emacs.gnus:
> SINNER wrote:

>> it is recreating the entire Usenet hierarchy in ~News/marks/localhost/*

>> Here is a snippet of the contents:
>> uk         uq            uunet     vegas    wales          world     yu
> [...]
>> (setq nnfolder-marks-is-evil 1)

> You need `nntp-marks-is-evil' instead of `nnfolder-marks-is-evil' as
> described in the list of new features:

You know, I thought that looked wrong but I blindly went with it anyway,
thanks but I can live with the marks directory now that is only groups
to which I subscribe whose hierarchys are created.


> BTW, as a new Gnus user you'd better use a release version instead of
> (outdated) development code:

>> [ emacs 21.4.1 / No Gnus V0.4 ]

I just installed emacs-snapshot, per earlier recomendations to do such,

> ,----[ (info "(gnus)Gnus Versions") ]
>|    If you happen upon a version of Gnus that has a prefixed name -
>| "(ding) Gnus", "September Gnus", "Red Gnus", "Quassia Gnus",
>| "Pterodactyl Gnus", "Oort Gnus", "No Gnus" - don't panic.  Don't let it
>| know that you're frightened.  Back away.  Slowly.  Whatever you do,
>| don't run.  Walk away, calmly, until you're out of its reach.  Find a
>| proper released version of Gnus and snuggle up to that instead.
> `----

Hmmm, wonder why Ubuntu would package it...

> Bye, Reiner.

<elmo> Joy: thanks, joy
<doogie> elmo: that's redundant, elmo
<elmo> doogie: go play in traffic
<doogie> ah, the elmo we know and love
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