Two more things to consider:

On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 4:16 AM, prad <> wrote:

> (setq gnus-parameters
>      '(("^nnimap\\+Mail:INBOX"
>         (gcc-self . t))))
> this puts the sent mail right into my maildir ~/Mail/inbox/new something
> i couldn't figure out how to do with things like nnmaildir (nnml gives
> the wrong format of course).

Since I use procmail my INBOX is always pre-drained.  So, instead I use:

        ("myserv:.*" (gcc-self . t))

where "myserv" is the name given to nnimap when setting
With this, when I send mail while inside any group it will keep a copy
in that group and preserve threading.

The other tip I found (I think in the emacs wiki) was to avoid needing
an IMAP server to do IMAP:

(setq gnus-secondary-select-methods
        (nnimap "myserv"
                        (nnimap-stream shell)
    ... )

Then in your .emacs (and not .gnus) set:

; adjust as appropriate
(setq imap-shell-program '("MAIL=maildir:$HOME/Maildir /usr/lib/dovecot/imap"))

With this, gnus will execute IMAP directly.  It avoids needing to
provide authentication credentials and you don't need an IMAP server
listening on a port.


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