prad <> writes:

> Brett Viren <> writes:
>> Two more things to consider:
> these ideas worked fantastically well, brett!!
> i'm not using procmail yet - have to figure out that one today because i
> want to do spam filtering with it ... right now with my new setup, i
> don't mind receiving spam though. :D
> certainly setting the "myserv" ties things together nicely.
> i was glad i'd figured out dovecot to be able to get in with minimal
> fuss, but thought it was a bit ironical that i'd need to do all this to
> get into my own files, so your imap without running a server was really
> great!
> i'm puzzled though as to why it actually works. i thought the idea was
> to have dovecot listen because a request to imap would come in, but the
> emacs entry:
> (setq imap-shell-program '("MAIL=maildir:$HOME/Maildir 
> /usr/lib/dovecot/imap"))
> would seem to appear to run imap every time you access gnu - which i
> guess is the idea because you need to run it only once to get in.

Possibly you could post your set up? I am a little confused now. You are
running a local Dovecot? (on your machine or on a local server?).

If that is so then set your select method to talk to that using nnimap.

You then also don't need nnmairix. You can use dovecot's own indexing
via nnir.

You saying  "imap without running a server" is the bit that throws me.


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