Bernardo writes:

> luckily (?) i kept an old LinkedIn email and it doesn't establish
> network connections when read, unlike the other one mentioned earlier;
> (checked with Wireshark too, there were no DNS address resolution calls
> either)
> however its header says the content is "multipart" rather than
> "text/html" and my guess is the renderer handles it better

Yes, this is what I suspected - with the multipart your configuration of
discouraged alternatives makes Gnus not choose the html-part, but when
there only _is_ text/html, it is displayed (rather than displaying
nothing). That is what "discouraged" is supposed to mean, as far as I
understand it.

That does not explain, however, why you get pictures when it seems like
you the default configuration, which should not fetch them. (Which I
can't reproduce, but maybe I'm doing something different).

> PS
>  didn't know about 'ngrep', looks interesting, will check that too,
>  thanks

I find it much easier to use than tcpdump, wireshark etc. :-)

  Best regards,


 "It troo! Dat darn Kahlfin stole ma spacechip!"              Adam Sjøgren

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