physiculus <> writes:

> Eric Abrahamsen <> writes:
>> Well, it would be weirder if it wasn't!
>> Is this happening just for the "All Mail" Gmail fake group? If you're
>> splitting out of "All Mail", the message won't ever actually be deleted
>> from there. I've seen some people say the "solution" is just to
>> unsubscribe from All Mail...
>> Does it happen when splitting from/moving out of other groups?
> It is happening in all groups, but only inside my Google account.
> Splitting with other providers works correct.
> If i unsubscribe folder "All Messages", then the messages were never deleted,
> right?
> My account will grow with each mail?

I'm pretty sure there are people with more Gmail expertise than me on
the list here, so hopefully someone will chime in. If you're not
subscribed to "All Messages", I don't think that necessarily means that
message deletions won't work (though I guess they're not working right
now, anyway, right?).

I don't have access to a gmail account to play with, maybe someone else
can answer this...

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