physiculus <> writes:

> Eric Abrahamsen <> writes:
> Ok, here is the list. Hope it helps :-)


> /home/held/Maildirnm/karlderletzte/Sent/cur/1554294583.6ad7d1c538e8c734.shinri:2,,U=22:2,S!2,S
> /home/held/Maildirnm/karlderletzte/Sent/cur/1554294638.4676_1518.shinri,U=23!2,S


I haven't spent a whole lot of time with the maildir file format, but
neither of these look like legal maildir filenames to me. The first has
two colons, the second has none, and I don't know what's going on with
the exclamation marks. Even if they're legal I'll bet nnmaildir is
barfing on them. If you run:

(nnir-run-notmuch '((query . "Hock")) "nnmaildir:Lokal" '("karlderletzte/Sent"))

I would expect you to get something like this in *Messages*:

(["nnmaildir+Lokal:karlderletzte/Sent" nil 0]
 ["nnmaildir+Lokal:karlderletzte/Sent" nil 0]
 ["nnmaildir+Lokal:karlderletzte/Sent" nil 0])

Is that correct?

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