Eric Abrahamsen <> writes:

hmmh i checked these messages and gnus displayed them correctly.
BUT what i see is that ONLY meesages inside my directory "Lokales" got
This directory contains all messages, which are moved from me (gnus
command B m) inside subfolders. All these subfolders are in format
nnmaildir and i got no errors if i moved the messages.

the directory Maildirnm is my imap folder. Here are all accounts with
all folders from my imap accounts. Here searching with G G works.

In directory Lokales G G gives the reported error.

Perhaps this helps.


> physiculus <> writes:
>> xuqi <> writes:
>> Hello,
>> thank you and Eric very much for help. I can't help, because i do not fully
>> understand, what goes wrong.
> No, that's perfect! That basically confirms my suspicion that some of
> your message filenames are causing nnmaildir to fail. They're probably
> these:
> /home/held/Maildirnm/karlderletzte/INBOX/cur/1554399542.4634_1560.shinri,U=651:2,S
> /home/held/Maildirnm/karlderletzte/Sent/cur/1554294583.6ad7d1c538e8c734.shinri:2,,U=22:2,S!2,S
> /home/held/Maildirnm/karlderletzte/Sent/cur/1554294638.4676_1518.shinri,U=23!2,S
> /home/held/Maildirnm/karlderletzte/INBOX/cur/1554292397.3889_1547.shinri,U=645:2,RS
> I'll open a bug report and see if anyone else can help. My last question
> for you is: do you think Gnus/nnmaildir made these files, or is there a
> chance that you're just using Gnus to read a maildir installation that
> was created by a different program?
> Eric

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