>> On Fri, Sep 10 2021, Bob Newell wrote:
>>> I have rsync'd gnus for years with success. In addition to the files
>>> already listed I sync .newsrc.eld, but that is updated infrequently.
>>> Not strictly gnus entries, but related closely enough, I also sync
>>> .authinfo and .msmtprc (as I use msmtp) and also .bbdb.

>> When you are rsyncing gnus, are you doing this while emacs is running on
>> the different machines?  Or are you starting a fresh emacs session after
>> all the files got updated on a machine?

I should have been clearer about how I myself do the
rsyncing. I avoid concurrency problems (among what has grown
to be nine devices) by only using one device at a time. I
upsync typically just before shutting down a machine, and
downsync just after starting one up.

I only use one instance of emacs at a time, globally. That may
be too limiting for some use cases, but it avoids a host of
issues. It doesn't limit me very much except that I need to be
careful not to be running emacs under termux on an Android
phone at the same time as I'm running on a laptop or desktop.

I never, ever downsync while emacs/gnus etc. are running. I
may, however upsync, but I still need to upsync again just
prior to shutting down and after exiting emacs and other
applications. As noted elsewhere in this thread, emacs updates
some files only on exit.

Bob Newell
Honolulu, Hawai`i

- Via GNU/Linux/Emacs/Gnus/BBDB

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