On Fri, Sep 10 2021, "Roland Winkler" <wink...@gnu.org> wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 10 2021, Bob Newell wrote:
>> I have rsync'd gnus for years with success. In addition to the files
>> already listed I sync .newsrc.eld, but that is updated infrequently.
>> Not strictly gnus entries, but related closely enough, I also sync
>> .authinfo and .msmtprc (as I use msmtp) and also .bbdb.
> Thanks to everyone who replied to this thread.
> When you are rsyncing gnus, are you doing this while emacs is running on
> the different machines?  Or are you starting a fresh emacs session after
> all the files got updated on a machine?

Just chipping into say that I sync all the files mentioned in this
thread through Syncthing, between multiple Emacs sessions that run
24/7 on different machines. Since Syncthing watches for inode changes
and is pretty speedy, I've never run into discrepancy problems between
the various newsrc.eld files and so on.

To be safe, though, I usually do quit Gnus and load it again when I'm
sitting down at another computer.


"We carry a new world here, in our hearts. That world is growing in
this minute."

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