physiculus writes:

> here is a message:

This is what that email looks like in my Gnus:


(when I remove "text/html" from mm-discouraged-alternatives, and leave
"text/html" in mm-automatic-display).

It looks like the only thing shr ignores is the font size part.

>> Do you have any configuration set up to prefer text/ignore HTML?
>> E.g. I have:
>>   ;; Don't display html inline
>>   (setq
>>    mm-discouraged-alternatives '("text/html" "text/richtext" "text/enriched")
>>    mm-automatic-display (remove "text/html" mm-automatic-display))

> Here is my setting:
> Its value is ("text/html" "text/richtext" "image/.*")

Well, there's your problem. You've told Gnus to prefer not displaying

  Best regards,


 "And when your friends begin to lose their way...          Adam Sjøgren
  Don't look back just helpyourselfish"      

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