>>>>> On Mon, 03 Jul 2023 09:22:38 -1000, Bob Newell <bobnew...@bobnewell.net> 
>>>>> said:

    >> So this works, in the sense that it stops me waiting forever... However,
    >> it seems (early days yet) that when it fails to open the connection to
    >> an NNTP server, it stops retrieving news and I have to hit 'g' again to
    >> get the counts etc. updated for other servers.  But much better than
    >> waiting forever.

    Bob> Interestingly (to me at least!) is that I rarely encounter a
    Bob> hang while fetching, although at times it can be terribly
    Bob> slow--- I fetch via IMAP and just from gmail, and I blame gmail
    Bob> for this for the most part.

gmail IMAP can be excruciatingly slow. One mitigation is to set
gmailʼs imap folder size limit to something less than infinity (I use
1000). But I donʼt fetch from gmail to local, I leave everything on
googleʼs servers.

    Bob> But what I do encounter from time to time is a hang when
    Bob> sending.  I'll wait, press ctrl-g, and find the email has been
    Bob> sent, but control was never returned.  This is with SMTP via
    Bob> msmtp.  I've never tried to track it down as it isn't frequent
    Bob> enough to be more than a small nuisance.

I think thereʼs been some work in this area in emacs-29 and/or emacs
master to make the code more robust. You could try using emacsʼs
direct SMTP support, but that might not be a small change in your


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