----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 4:45 PM
Subject: [av-co-op] Iowa AV Co-op product show update

It seems that I may have mislead you all with the invitation to attendthe exhibits at the IEMA/IDLA/ILA Joint conference. I invited you all to the vendor show where I will be manning three booths showing co-op catalog items in the exhibit area.

The good news is that you are all still invited.
The other news is that unless you are a paid conference attendee, you will be required to pay $20.00 to get into the exhibits.

There are 50+ vendors signed up to show off their products so it should be a good show!

I am trying to get this message to all the folks that I emailed the first invitation to. Please pass this around ASAP as the show begins April 3-4.

Bud Carruthers
Iowa AV/Computer Co-op

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