Title: online database updates

Thought you would need to know the following information from the library media specialist memo that went out today.  Let me know if you have any questions.......Harriet

The user ID's for ClipArt.Com have been changed to eliminate the previously required "ia-"    YEAH!    During the month of September, there will be a dual system of user names. However, beginning October 1, only the non ia- user names will be active.   This change resulted in a few conflicts that I am currently addressing.   I am working to provide consistent user ID's for Fort Dodge Cooper, Jefferson Elementary, Stratford, Terril, and Webster City Middle School and I will inform each of you as progress is made.

Don't forget about access to AccuWeather.  The link for AccuWeather is at the bottom left column of the Iowa AEA website - http://www.iowaaeaonline.org 
Both the user name and password for everyone in AEA 8 is the same:  aea08
The other online databases (World Book , AccuNet/Ap Multimedia Archives, EBSCOhost, Atomic Learning, and ClipArt.com) have user ID's that vary depending on building where the student or teacher is located.  In all cases, including WebMax, the password is:  aea08

One person that many of you will have the privilege of working with this year is Karen Appleton.  Karen is a library media specialist that is being shared between AEA 12  (Sioux City) and AEA 8.  We are excited that Karen has joined us and look forward to having her great talents in this area.  Some of you will recognize Karen as the "on-screen talent" star of the video/DVD "Get Connected" which explained the online databases.  Karen is also the state coordinator of the Marco Polo project. 
Harriet Adams, Library Media Specialist
Prairie Lakes Area Education Agency 8, Instructional Media Center
1235 5th Ave. South, P.O. Box 1399, Fort Dodge, Iowa   50501
1-800-669-2325, extension 5565 (or 515-574-5565), fax 515-574-5567

shipping ONLY: 330 Ave. M, Voc-Tech Building, Lower Level
Fort Dodge, IA 50501

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