Good morning-


            We have some end users here in Fort Dodge that always complain when their “Num Lock” key doesn’t stay on when they login to an XP machine.  Well, low and behold in one of the e-mail rags I get every so often, they had the script to change that setting.  I plan on adding this to our script that installs all of the printers on login to hopefully make the end users a little happier.  It won’t take our users long to find something else they don’t like!!!  Anyway, I thought I would share.   


By the way, Lance, this won’t work your “fruit” machines!!!




Can I Make NumLock Default to "On?"

Question: Is there a way to make the Numbers Lock (NumLock) be on by default when I log onto my XP computer? I'd really appreciate your help on this. - Jonas M.

Answer: Yes, you can do this by creating a script to change the default NumLock state, and then running the script from the Startup folder. This will set NumLock to "on" for your user profile. Here's how to do it:

  1. Open Notepad or another text editor, and type (or copy and paste) the following text into a new document:
    set WshShell = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
    WshShell.SendKeys "(NUMLOCK)"
  2. Save the file, naming it "numlock.vbs" and this time, include the quotation marks when you type the name so the file will have the .vbs extension instead of the default .txt extension (you'll know you did it right if the icon for the document changes from the text icon to a script icon).
  3. Now copy the numlock.vbs file to your Startup folder, or if you want NumLock to be on for all users, copy it to the Startup folder in the All Users profile. The profiles are found in the Documents and Settings folder.



Jeremy Pearson
Network Administrator / Computer Technician
Fort Dodge Community School District
104 South 17th Street
Fort Dodge, Iowa 50501
(515)574-5676 voice
(515)574-5324 fax


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