Yes, the AEA is developing a student assessment (online survey) that will address all of the tech standards from ISTE/NCREL.... this is to satisfy COMPLIANCE only for schools who can't handle much more than that at this point. However, we are also going to sponsor an assessment and curriculum development workshop this summer for a limited number of middle school reading, math, science and social studies teachers so that they can develop performance tasks/assessments that embed technology in the content area- so we work towards best practice in addition to the online survey. These teachers will be asked (and paid) to help roll it out to other teachers across the AEA so that schools that choose to go this route will have two forms of data- a survey and performance assessment results, which is really want we want if we are looking at getting technology integrated in the content areas. We have the online survey almost ready to go and will be sending it out for testing in March, and we are trying to secure funding for the assessment/curriculum integration piece and will have more details about that asap.

Let me know if you have any more questions,

On Jan 25, 2005, at 9:20 AM, Wycoff, Beth wrote:

<x-tad-bigger>Hi Nancy,</x-tad-bigger>

<x-tad-bigger> </x-tad-bigger>

<x-tad-bigger>I teach computer applications at the middle school here in Estherville.  Can you give me a direct answer as to where we should be with the technology literacy test?!  Is the AEA going to create an actual assessment we can use with our students?  To which standards would that assessment be aligned?  I’m getting second-hand information and thinking I need to get it straight from the source!  Thanks!</x-tad-bigger>

<x-tad-bigger> </x-tad-bigger>

<x-tad-bigger>Beth Wycoff</x-tad-bigger>

Nancy Movall
Technology & School Improvement Consultant
824 Flindt Drive
Storm Lake, IA 50588

"When a great ship is in harbor and moored, it is safe, there can be no doubt. But that is not what great ships are built for."

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