FYI, see the message below.  Homeland security...

Note especially the suggestion to disallow auto-opening of email messages via 
window paning, most common in Outlook. Also note the recommendation of firewall 
rule--deny all-- but for a proxy.

Steve Scarbrough, CISSP
Technology Coordinator
Storm Lake Community School District
712.732.8100   fax:8101

----- Original Message -----

                Friday, July 08, 2005 4:32:27 PM
Bulk Message
From:           US-CERT Technical Alerts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:        US-CERT Technical Cyber Security Alert TA05-189A -- Targeted 
Trojan Email Attacks
To:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hash: SHA1

Targeted Trojan Email Attacks

   Original release date: July 08, 2005
   Last revised: --
   Source: US-CERT


   The United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) has
   received reports of an email based technique for spreading trojan
   horse programs. A trojan horse is an attack method by which malicious
   or harmful code is contained inside apparently harmless files. Once
   opened, the malicious code can collect unauthorized information that
   can be exploited for various purposes, or permit computers to be used
   surreptitiously for other malicious activity. The emails are sent to
   specific individuals rather than the random distributions associated
   with a phishing attack or other trojan activity. (Phishing is the act
   of sending an email to a user falsely claiming to be an established
   legitimate enterprise in an attempt to scam the user into surrendering
   private information that can be used for identity theft.) These
   attacks appear to target US information for exfiltration. This alert
   seeks to raise awareness of this kind of attack, highlight the
   important need for government and critical infrastructure systems
   owners and operators to take appropriate measures to protect their
   data, and provide guidance on proper protective measures.


   There are two distinct elements that make this attack technique
   significant. First, the trojans can elude conventional protective
   measures such as anti-virus software and firewalls, both key measures
   in protecting the US Critical Infrastructure networks. A number of
   open source and tailored trojans, altered to avoid anti-virus
   detection, have been used. Trojan capabilities suggest that
   exfiltration of data is a fundamental goal. Second, the emails are
   sent to specific or targeted recipients. Unlike "phishing" attacks,
   the emails use social engineering to appear credible, with subject
   lines often referring to work or other subjects that the recipient
   would find relevant. The emails containing the trojanized attachments,
   or links to websites hosting trojanized files are spoofed, making it
   appear to come from a colleague or reliable party. The email
   attachments exploit known vulnerabilities to install a trojan on the
   user's computer. When opened, the file or link installs the trojan.
   Trojans can be configured to transmit information to a remote attacker
   using ports assigned to a common service (e.g., TCP port 80, which is
   assigned to Web traffic) and thereby defeat firewalls. Once the
   trojanized attachment is opened, a remote attacker can then perform
   the following functions:

     * Collection of usernames and passwords for email accounts
     * Collection of critical system information and scanning of network
     * Use of infected machine to compromise other machines and networks
     * Downloading of further programs (e.g., worms, more advanced
     * Uploading of documents and data to a remote computer

   US-CERT is working with other computer emergency response teams
   worldwide to address these types of attacks.

Suggested Actions

   Due to the targeted distribution of trojans spread in this way and the
   possibility of communication with remote attackers using ports
   assigned to common services, detection of this activity is
   problematic. US-CERT advises that system administrators take the
   following actions:

     * Educate users to use an anti-virus scanner on all email
     * Maintain and update anti-virus software and signatures to detect
       malware that may be associated with this attack.
     * Block executable and/or suspect attachment types at email gateway
       or block the download of executable content via HTTP.
     * Investigate anomalous slow-running machines, looking for unknown
       processes or unexpected Internet connections, as this may be an
       indication of malicious programs operating in the background.
       Encourage reporting and full investigation of such behavior.
     * Update operating system and application software to patch
       vulnerabilities exploited in the past by these Trojans.
     * Implement spam filtering to guard against infrastructures (e.g.,
       dial-ups, open proxies and open relays) commonly used by the
     * As Microsoft Office vulnerabilities have been targeted and
       exploited, ensure that Microsoft security bulletins are followed.

                Microsoft Security Bulletins Search

     * Turn off 'Preview Pane' functionality in email clients and set the
       default options to view opened emails as plain text
     * Examine firewall logs of critical systems, or networks used for
       processing sensitive information, for connections to or from
       anomalous IP addresses.
     * Consider traffic analysis to identify any compromised computers
       that are exfiltrating files. Data on the size and times of HTTP
       transactions or TCP port 80 flows may help detect exfiltration by
       highlighting connections where the data volume sent is far greater
       than that received from the remote server or when data is being
       sent at times outside of normal working hours.
     * Analyze log files to determine whether the attackers are spoofing
       your domain.
     * Consider implementing IP address lists of outbound Internet
       connections, denying access except from address ranges relevant to
       your business activities, such as a "default deny" policy. This
       provides some protection against computers in third countries
       being used by attackers to control trojans.

   Incidents or suspected malicious activity of this nature, as well as
   all cyber security incidents affecting the US Critical Infrastructure
   should be reported to the United States Computer Emergency Readiness
   Team (US-CERT) via email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or by telephone (703)

Vendor Product Names

   The following anti-virus product names are associated with known
   trojans used in the attacks since January 2005.


     * Backdoor-BCB
     * BackDoor-CPY!chm
     * Backdoor-TW
     * Downloader-WY
     * Exploit-1Table
     * JS/BackDoor-CPY
     * MultiDropper-MR
     * Proxy-Sysgam
     * Pusno
     * StartPage-DH.dll


     * Troj/Agent-BX
     * Troj/Agent-T
     * Troj/DDrop-A
     * Troj/Dloader-KF
     * Troj/Dloader-KZ
     * Troj/Lecna-C
     * Troj/Nethief-M
     * Troj/Nethief-N
     * Troj/Nethief-O
     * Troj/Netter-A
     * Troj/Riler-E
     * Troj/Riler-F
     * Troj/Riler-J
     * Troj/RPE-A
     * Troj/Sharp-F
     * Troj/VBDrop-A
     * WM97/Loof-D


     * Trojan.Dropper
     * Trojan.Mdropper.B
     * Trojan.Riler.C

   Trend Micro


   Feedback can be directed to US-CERT at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Produced 2005 by US-CERT, a government organization.

   This document is available online.


   Terms of use


   Revision History

   July 08, 2005: Initial release
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


[This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus on the server]

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