We have not done a one to one, but have chosen to use the portable lab 
solution.  We have six labs available for use and it seems to work.  The 
biggest issue we face is repair the machines.  As like Murray I work mostly 
with the network and have a part time aid to help.  I think anyone looking at a 
one-to-one needs to have the proper staff to handle the repair and daily issues 
that will arise.

Just my two cents.

Keith Stoeber 
Sioux Central CSD
4440 US Highway 71
Sioux Rapids, IA 50585
(P) 712-283-2571 x 5900
(F) 712-283-2285

From: "Murray Gafkjen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 8:23 AM
To: info-tech@aea8.k12.ia.us
Subject: RE: [info-tech] Text Boox Replacement 

Some of the hoops,

Do the teachers want this? It's like buying a dress for
your wife and she's not with you. We have about 1/3 of our books on the
tablets, but most of the teachers are still using the books.  Some of the ebooks
use an earlier version of Acrobat, which causes problems when we standardized
with version 8. (These publishers -vendors- insist that we use a CD in
every machine. Some vendors will push an web-base textbook, but if the student
lacks connections at home, then there's another problem.


Price- it's really not cheaper than books, I don't
have the numbers at hand. Currently software is still off the Silo tax list.

When I shared direction of the 1:1 with the listserv, one of the
questions was, "are you going to buy them a car as well?" 
Looking back, the car idea would have been better.        

We have 170 students with
laptops, plus the staff. Teaching Special Education full-time, I try to focus
on Network issues, we have a tech(paid at the level of an aide)  that deal
only with the desktop and repair. Yes, this will be quite an undertaking. 


I'm sure I have more,
but Monday morning beckons, 


Murray Gafkjen

Clay Central Everly


Behalf Of Richardson,Tony

Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 4:12 AM

To: info-tech@aea8.k12.ia.us

Subject: [info-tech] Text Boox Replacement


Hello all,


has been suggested to me in a meeting that we replace our paper text books at
the High School with notebook computers. It sounds insane to me to give 400
high school kids a notebook computer not to mention the design and
implementation of such a thing with only 1 tech person. The district is also
going through bad financial times and probably would not hire any more full
time help to support this.


any other district out there doing this? If so what is your experiences
with this?



Tony Richardson,


Community School District



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