
Thanks a bunch for your gift to us. I certainly hope that they will be used for good.

You are a fair person and that is a good thing, especially now a days.

Would it be possible to send the toners through the AEA van system or would you prefer another means?

Thanks Lance,

Ann Bloomquist

Ann Bloomquist
Technology  Coordinator
Dayton Elementary School
Southeast Webster-Grand
104 2nd St NW
Dayton, IA  50530
Phone:  515-547-2314
Fax:    515-547-2213


Boxholm Middle School
Southeast Webster-Grandl
404 Walnut St.
Boxholm, IA  50040
Phone 515-846-6214
Fax 515-846-6212

alternate e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On May 20, 2008, at 3:16 PM, Lance Lennon wrote:


I will give you one set of the toners in exchange for a promise to use them for good rather than evil.

one of each (I had four requests and if I give one to each school then it is fair)

Thanks for taking them off my hands

"In all large corporations, there is a pervasive fear that someone, somewhere is having fun with a computer on company time. Networks help alleviate that fear."
    ~John C. Dvorak
Lance L. Lennon
District Technology Director
Eagle Grove Community School District

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