Happy Friday-


            Just wanted to pass along this neat little application I ran
across that ties right into Atomic Learning, one of the on-line services
provided by Iowa AEA On-line.  Atomic Learning has created a Java
application you can install on your desktop (both Mac and PC) that will
allow you to search their tutorials right from your desktop through the
application, and not the web browser.  Once you find one you want to
watch, you can also play it through the application as well.  Works
pretty well, and will allow an easier link into the Atomic Learning


            You can find more information at:




            Have a great weekend!!!




Jeremy Pearson
Supervisor of Information Technology

Fort Dodge Community School District
104 South 17th Street
Fort Dodge, Iowa 50501
(515)574-5676 voice
(515)574-5324 fax


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