Do you mean one at a time or groups of people? If you mean groups of people, 
you can just write a .bat file like this. One line for each user. There are 
more options but these are the ones I use.
Dsmod user "CN=10AlKreb,OU=2010,OU=HS 
Students,OU=Students,DC=local,DC=okoboji,DC=k12,DC=ia,DC=us" -pwd XXXXXXXX 
-canchpwd no -pwdneverexpires yes
This is what I do every year for new student passwords. 
Chad Frerichs 
Director of Technology 
Okoboji Community Schools 
Milford, IA 51351 


From: Mueller, Mitch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon 6/16/2008 8:37 AM
Subject: [info-tech]

Does anyone out there have a script or an easier way to reset username 
passwords?  Instead of having to go through each individual student and 






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