We provide a page for every teacher on the District web site and require them to populate it with at least basic information.  In addition we give them the option to link to other pages they have created from the district site.  We still house these on a district server but this gives them flexibility to create pages in Frontpage.  Of course we see a wide range of usage from teachers who update the page once a year to those who update it daily.  We are definitely seeing an increase in teachers posting daily assignments, links relevant to class, and student work online.  There are a lot of positives.
The only real negative for us is the need to handle issues with privacy.  We provide an Internet, Publication and Video Waiver that parents can sign if they do not want their child's photograph or name to appear on the district web site or in the district newsletter.  Someone has to keep track of that and keep teachers informed.  Currently out of 1500 households we have only 1 who have made the request so it hasn't been a big issue.
Eric Johnson
Technology Director
Spencer Community Schools
23 East 7th Street
Spencer, IA 51301

>>> "Richardson,Tony" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/29/2008 8:16 AM >>>

Hello All,


Is there anyone out there linking teacher websites to their district websites? We have a couple of teachers who have their own website for class instruction and want to link it to the district site. It is simple enough to accomplish but what would be the pros and cons?



Tony Richardson

Technology Coordinator

Humboldt Community School District


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