Thanks, I'll check them out.


[] On Behalf Of Scott Fosseen
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 8:57 AM
Subject: Re: [info-tech] Ideas for Desktop Video Conferencing


I have been looking at solutions for several years.  If you had money to
invest the best I have seen so far is Elluminate.  There vClass product
was constructed specifically for the education market.  The instructor
has full control of what each participant can and can not do.  There is
a simple poll program where you can ask True/False or up to A,B,C,D,E,F.
They do offer "Three for Free" but that is really only helpful for some
initial testing.


We as an agency are using DimDim (Now that I watched 'Night at the
Museum I keep thinning of the Easter Island Statue).  The program can do
video, but our tech committee consensus is that the video is not that
big of a deal.  The other features such as shared white board, Desktop
Sharing, and file uploading are really the tools needed for remote
meetings.  Best of all DimDim is free and will allow up to 20 people in
a room.  Need more rooms, just sign up for more accounts.  DimDim also
offers a "Open Source" version of the software that you can run yourself
without the 20 person limit.  I looks like the Open Source version is
the previous commercial version.  DimDim works well on both Windows and
Mac systems.


If anyone wants to see a demo of either program I have accounts at both
and I can send you an invite to test.


From: Richardson,Tony <>  

Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 4:54 AM


Subject: [info-tech] Ideas for Desktop Video Conferencing


Anyone out there experimenting with desktop video conferencing. I would
like to start experimenting with using this internally for staff but it
needs to be simple to use with control on the client side of things so
that they don't feel like they are being spied on. 


I know there is Microsoft Netmeeting and Windows Communicator but don't
need all that just something simple to use and cheap that allow multiple
people to face to face meet via video.



Tony Richardson,

Technology Coordinator

Humboldt Community School District


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