We are working towards ordering interactive whiteboards for our elementary classrooms.

I have reread the emails from those that have or are planning to add these to their schools.

If any of you could give an update on where you are with the interactive whiteboards - which ones you are using, what you recommend, how they are being used, and any warnings before ordering these.

I know a couple of teachers have mentioned the document camera to me but I think it would be a modernized overhead projector.

Our superintendent attended a national conference, attended a demonstration of an interactive whiteboard and returned saying he wants them put in all of the elementary classrooms.

Appreciate any help, it does get confusing when researching the various ones.



Ann Bloomquist

Ann Bloomquist
Technology  Coordinator
Dayton Elementary School
Southeast Webster-Grand
104 2nd St NW
Dayton, IA  50530
Phone:  515-547-2314
Fax:    515-547-2213


Boxholm Middle School
Southeast Webster-Grandl
404 Walnut St.
Boxholm, IA  50040
Phone 515-846-6214
Fax 515-846-6212

e-mail: a_bloomqu...@se-webster.k12.ia.us
alternate e-mail:  swebs...@lvcta.com

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