Well, it had to happen eventually, We've upgraded our servers to 64bit Dual 
quad-core xeons with 2TB in a raid5 array. (I had to tell someone and I'm the 
only person in 20 miles that can actually comprehend all of those terms 
simultaneously.) they're fast, stable, and have so much room I'm at a loss as 
to what to do with all of it... Until the virtualization project starts.

But there is a problem. 

We've been using the usertool provided by the AEA for years and we love it. 
It's easy, it's fast, and as long as the relevant personnel remember to use it, 
it makes life so much easier. Unfortunately the version we have is apparently 
incompatible with a 64bit OS, and it is way too late to change back to 32bit. 

Is anyone aware of a replacement utility? I'd love to say price is no object, 
but I am willing to pay a reasonable amount for a user friendly tool.


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