We are using the peerless universal projector mounts. That mount screws
into one end of 1.5 inch pipe,of whatever length you need,  and then the
other end screws into a floor flange. The floor flange is bolted to a
piece of 1/2 inch plywood cut to replace a 2x2 or 2x4 ceiling tile. The
pipe and plywood we get out at the local hardware store.

        -----Original Message-----
        From: info-tech-ow...@aea8.k12.ia.us
[mailto:info-tech-ow...@aea8.k12.ia.us] On Behalf Of Frerichs, Chad
        Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 1:16 PM
        To: info-tech@aea8.k12.ia.us
        Subject: [info-tech] False Ceiling Projector Mounts
        What is everyone using to mount projectors to false ceilings?
Our current solution is eloborate and expensive. I am looking for
something much easier, and cheaper.
        Chad Frerichs
        Director of Technology
        Okoboji Community Schools

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