I am old fashioned here . . . all computers have a generic student log in that logs them on at start up. So beginning with our pre- school they all have access to the internet. Because CD ROM games became outdated and were for the old Mac OS, and seem spendy to replace . . . online educational games are what the teachers are encouraged to use (and many do) at the computer workstations in their room during center time. All of our buildings have a lab . . . and I know with our new math series there is a web site that goes along with the text/learning/concepts -- so beginning at KDG our teachers are taking kids into the lab to use the online portion of the math series. Teachers and associates are in the labs to assist and supervise students in the elementaries.

4th/5th grade building -- we have a folder for each teacher on the computer and that's where kids save to. Beginning in MS (currently 6th grade) students receive a home folder on the network for file storage. Classroom computer usage is supervised by the teacher . . . we do have a lab at the MS in the library, and so students are allowed to use those during study hall under the supervision of the person in the library. Same scenario pretty much at the HS as MS . . . the labs are for classroom use only. Students use the lab in the library if they need to work on assignments during study hall.

Facebook (and YouTube) -- I quit playing the games of blocking it . . . finding kids using back tunnels to get in . . . blocking that . . unblocking it because somebody needed into it so kids could get a video or pictures and then having somebody tell me I needed to block it because kids were on it during their class. There is an AUP kids sign off on . . . if they are inappropriately using their computer privileges there are consequences (just as in the real world at work). <soapbox> In my mind that's a supervision issue . . . if you allow kids to be on there, don't complain they aren't getting work done. <end of soapbox> And really, there are things here (and other Web 2.0 things) that have information kids need/can use for school projects.

As far as creating Facebook groups for school things . . . OK I"m a little old fashioned/more conservative on that one. From what I know from using Facebook in the past few months . . . I question how you can have some "control" over that in a PR/guideline sort of way-- because in the end it is school related. Haven't dealt with this one yet . . . but we had these discussions when taught teachers how do their their own classroom wikis and "publish" these. -- same train of thought -- teachers having access this year to mass email parents from their gradebook. Currently we allow both -- but on the conservative/what if side talked about how before these things there was always a route to "proof" things before they went out to parents and the public. Now you go on good faith. Which we haven't had problems, and I don't expect any . . . but you do have to have that discussion. We have encouraged the use of wikis, Googledocs, blogging in the classroom . . . and for PD this year have required staff to post their reflections, etc. on the PD wikis and discussions we have set up. As more and more staff become comfortable using these . . . it becomes easier to set expectations and guidelines for how students use these . . . and I have seen all this as positive to date.

But I still think the Facebook thing with school groups is a big risk and can of worms waiting to be opened. (Did I just contradict myself? Probably!)

On Feb 4, 2010, at 3:37 PM, Pearson, Jeremy wrote:


I have a few questions I would like to pose to the group for input.

1 – At what grade do you start giving students Internet access? Our elementaries would like to not have to log in to computers as “special” internet accounts, they just want the Internet to work for them. Our current practice would require someone to log the computer in with an account that would have Internet access. I assume that whatever your situation is, you expect the teacher to still supervise their use.

2 – At what grade do you start giving kids their own personal login, with a home directory and internet access. We are doing home directories at 5th grade, and Internet access at 7th grade.

3 – Facebook. We have 3 interested groups ready and wanting to create a Facebook group or a Facebook Page for their specific group. We have talked about privacy, and what kids post about themselves there and how we as District employees are mandatory reporters. From my limited playing of Facebook, I cannot limit access to specific facebook site, it is either give them (staff only, not students) access to Facebook or not. All or none. Their thinking in wanting to create a Facebook page is because that is what the kids are doing, when they aren’t at school. My concern is the privacy and lost work time with people maintaining their personal Facebook, Mafia War or FarmTown creation. Give me your thought, the discussions you have had, and we can kind of go from there.

            Thanks for your time and help.



Jeremy Pearson
Supervisor of Information Technology
Fort Dodge Community School District
104 South 17th Street
Fort Dodge, Iowa 50501


(515)574-5676 voice
(515)574-5324 fax

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