On 04/01/2016 10:49 AM, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> You are getting this email because you are in the 'fi-apprentice' group
> in the fedora account system (or are reading this on the
> infrastructure list). 
> Feel free to reply just directly to me, or cc the infrastructure list
> for everyone to see and comment on. 
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure_Apprentice
> At the first of every month(or so), I am going to be sending out an
> email like this one. I would like feedback on how things are going for
> you.
> I'd like to ask for everyone to send me a quick reply with the
> following data or anything related you can think of that might help us
> make the apprentice program more useful.
> 0. Whats your fedora account system login?
>> corey84

 1. Have you logged in and used your fi-apprentice membership to look at
our machines/setup in the last month? Do you plan to?

>> yes 

 2. Has it helped you decide any area you wish to focus on or contribute
to more?

>>  still a sysadmin dude :)

3. Have you looked at or been able to work on any of the fi-apprentice
'easyfix' tickets?

>> gsoc | RL has taken most of my time :( 

4. Do you still wish to be a member of the group? If not (for whatever
reason) could you provide any hints to help others down the road?

>> yep

5. Is there any help or communication or ideas you have that would help
you do any of the above?

>> some of the easyfix  tickets don't seem so  (this has been mentioned before 
>> but maybe we still need to clean up the  writeups for some of thme to 
>> indicate such.

6. What do you find to be the hardest part of getting involved?
Finding things to work on? Getting attention from others to help you?
Finding tickets in your interest area?
>> time

7. Have you been able to make any weekly irc meetings? Do you find them
helpful or interesting?
>> yup at  least 2  last month

8. Have you logged into our Gobby instance and read/seen/added to our
meeting agenda? https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Gobby

>> mostly to check meeting topics and such not much on the  edit  side

9. What was the last song you listened to? (Live or recorded)

>> hm...  Live -- some local underground band, wasn't bad but they need work :) 
>> was a  Jovi cover 

Any other general feedback is also quite welcome, including
improvements to this email, the wiki page, etc.

Wiki page  is  getting some pruning maybe next month have a hint or link
for broader  viewership ?
 Any folks I do not hear from in the next week will be removed from the
group. (Note that it's easy to be re-added when you have time or
whatever and it's nothing at all personal, we just want to keep the
group up to date with active folks).

Thanks, and looking forward to your feedback!


Corey W. Sheldon
Freelance Security Researcher | Fedora Ambassador, North America
sheldon.co...@gmail.com | cshel...@ameridea.net | core...@fedoraproject.org
ph: (11)+1.310.909.7672 skype: cwwsheldon
PGP: 6367008F | D2264944 | B8D1F689
Find my elsewhere: https://gist.github.com/linux-modder/ac5dc6fa211315c633c9

"Have no way as way, no limitation as limitation." -- Bruce lee
"One must never underestimate the power of boredom...from which
creativity and laziness are borne, which can spark great works of chaos
and genius."  -- Unknown
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