On Tue, Aug 09, 2005 at 09:47:29AM +0200, martin f krafft wrote:
> There are several problems still, the least of which is
> /var/service, which we might just as well move to /etc/runit, if you
> ask me.

Should probably take at least a cursory look at runit's debian package.
/var/service is a symlink into /etc/runit. :)

> I am also not too much in favour of continuous starting of
> runscripts in random order until the runscript itself decides that
> it's ready to go. Part of the reasons is that it burns cycles
> unnecessarily. The other part is that it seems kinda hackish.

Well, to a certain degree it's unavoidable, but at the same time a
dependency system could greatly reduce it.

> Another thing I miss is an abstraction to virtual names. Let's stick
> with postgrey: postfix itself does not care whether postgrey listens
> at 60000, or greylist-ng, or pregray or whatever. As long as the
> service "smtp-greylist-daemon" is provided, it should start. I think
> we would want to create something akin to virtual packages, or see
> if we can reuse the Debian virtual package names.

Use my symlink suggestion for dependencies and that comes free.

> Is there any way to get rid of the statically linked diet libc? E.g.
> by reimplementing runit in perl, shell, or python?

runit works fine dynamically linked. The static linking is for added
reliability. It's an optional feature, not a bug. :)

> I would like to see different runlevels even with runit.

It already has them, though I've never used them.

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