Hi Frédéric,

Le 12/10/2016 à 17:07, Frédéric Guimont a écrit :
> I'm willing to help out on marketing and web issues too. I'm currently making 
> a weekly webcomic (in french) using only inkscape. If I can help with a 
> comic, I'd be happy to do that too.
> Here's the link, for the curious, (don't mean to spam, though I think it's on 
> topic): http://quebeccite.com

It’s on topic. Maybe you’d mind reading the indented paragraph there:

By the way, I don’t really understand the 40px left margin. When
browsing the site with a mobile phone, it’s quite annoying.

> I can also help moderate the forums, make tutorials and such (I've made an 
> intro to the powerstroke a while back on youtube).

Then I think you should join inkscape-docs. Did you see my last emails
to the docs list?
Actually you’re arriving just in time, I was requesting help for the
second-to-last item in the Community To-Do List:
Have a look at this message:
Would you have the necessary skills — :P?

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