@brynn,  I agree about what you said about images. It is fairest and most
honest to only use images made with inkscape. Integrity is very important
in this game. (I hope I didnĀ“t interrupt the discussion)

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2017-10-22 20:09 GMT+02:00 brynn <br...@frii.com>:

> Thanks for your comments, C R.
> Re: Time as a resource: I think it's not worth anyone's time to scour
> the internet trying to prove that something wasn't made in Inkscape.
> Well of course, that's not what I'm proposing.  For the image I did
> search, there was no scouring.  It was the first result of the first search
> I made.  It was clear enough for me just to look at the image.  But I
> searched it out just to prove my suspicion.  (It's the only time I've done
> that.)
> For the rest of your comments, I had the very same thoughts at first.  If
> it could have been....why not.  But the reason I wanted to try to discuss,
> is because
> (a) These images are numerous, considering our limited space.
> (b) Most of them could really only be done by advanced users (That's
> usually how I catch them.  If they really had been made with Inkscape, in
> my experience, the artist wants to shout it out - not make a drive-by
> upload.)
> (c) I'm afraid it's misrepresenting Inkscape's abilities.  I'm afraid it
> gives the impression that it must be easy to create amazing images.
> (d) It makes it harder to find the really awesome Inkscape-made images.
> It kind of dilutes the pool of awesome.
> I really have always (well, since I found Inkscape 10 years ago) wanted an
> Inkscape-only gallery.  To me, THAT would be amazing!  And to me, that's
> what the website should provide.
> I wonder if it would work to have another category, or another Order By
> option, like All Inkscape or 100% Inkscape, or something like that?
> Because I certainly have no objection to having images in the gallery, for
> which Inkscape was used only for part of it.  But maybe it would be nice to
> have the "all Inkscape" images easier to find?
> Well anyway, as I said, I already had an idea that this isn't a big
> concern for the community.  But I just wanted to voice a few thoughts as to
> why maybe it should be.
> Thanks again  :-)
> brynn
> -----Original Message----- From: C R
> Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 4:33 AM
> To: brynn
> Cc: Inkscape-Docs ; Inkscape-Devel
> Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] moderation - 'could have been made
> w/Inkscape'
> Re: Time as a resource: I think it's not worth anyone's time to scour
> the internet trying to prove that something wasn't made in Inkscape.
> I can think of several ways to do the graphic in question (or at least
> similar) in Inkscape, so I'd let it stay as it's actually quite
> stunning and not really hurting anyone.
> Even if it's not done in Inkscape, it gets people thinking about how
> it could be done in Inkscape, which is not a bad thing. Maybe it will
> inspire someone to post a vector resource of it in the future.
> Going forward, this is my recommendation: If it looks like it could
> have been done in Inkscape, and it was posted on our website, then we
> can assume (for the sake of aesthetics) that it was.
> Obviously if the uploader came back and replied to your comment,
> saying "Oh, I've not done this in Inkscape." Then you can remove it
> without having to make any guesses. :)
> Thanks for bringing it to attention, Brynn. Your hard work to fight
> against random non-Inkscape posts is definitely making the site much
> more usable and clutter free for everyone.
> -C
> On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 5:29 AM, brynn <br...@frii.com> wrote:
>> Hi Friends,
>>        I think I probably know how the community leans on this.  But since
>> it bothers me so much, and happens so often, I thought it was worth not
>> assuming the answer, and finding out for sure.
>>        A few months ago, we decided not to allow random photos in the
>> gallery, which are unrelated to the project in any way.  We also decided
>> not
>> to bother with copyright issues.  (long discussion -
>> https://sourceforge.net/p/inkscape/mailman/message/35798617/)
>>        Probably equally as often as random photos being uploaded, are
>> images
>> which *could have been made with Inkscape* but which I doubt were.  So
>> far,
>> I've been letting these go through.  But as I said, I wanted to have a
>> discussion, rather than assume.
>>        Here are a couple of recent examples:
>> -- 2 images, 1 resource and 1 thumbnail --
>> https://inkscape.org/en/~noahgabe@_99/%E2%98%85music
>> -- https://inkscape.org/en/~KristiBryant113/%E2%98%85jesus-
>> saves-the-world2
>> (I did a little research on this one, and found it at many different sites
>> (many on different sites selling tshirts, as well as just web images) with
>> the same basic image (and this exact image here:
>> https://res.cloudinary.com/teepublic/image/private/s--rVeDm8
>> Gt--/t_Preview/b_rgb:191919,c_limit,f_jpg,h_630,q_90,w_630/
>> v1503977524/production/designs/1857631_1.jpg)
>> -- so I'm pretty sure it wasn't made with Inkscape)
>> --https://inkscape.org/en/~chiquitita/%E2%98%8515230751-7030
>> 16283207581-8475381764676214363-n
>>        To me, all of those /could have been/ made with Inkscape.  But I
>> have
>> reasons to doubt all of them.  How do you all think they should be
>> handled?
>> I think they should be handled similarly to random photos (contact the
>> member, explain and link to CoC, ask to explain the relation to Inkscape,
>> ask if they would like to remove, inform after 2 weeks we will do it, of
>> course with graciousness.  Or do we let them have the benefit of our
>> doubt?
>>        I honestly don't understand why people go around posting random
>> images (apparently, afaict) in random galleries, once or twice, and never
>> come back. (I have the same curiosity about people who post 1 or 2
>> frivolous, sometimes meaningless messages in forums and never return.)
>> But
>> it seems worth the effort not to waste our limited resource on hosting
>> these
>> things.
>>        Anyway, thanks for any thoughts or comments :-)
>> All best,
>> brynn
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