----- Original Message ----- From: "Eric Pernice" <epern...@gmail.com>
To: <inline@perl.org>
Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 6:04 AM
Subject: Static Linking with Inline::C


I'm very new to extensions in Perl, and was hoping someone could tell me how I can link statically with Inline::C. I have written an application that's
using the WinHttp API, and am compiling it with PerlApp.  The resulting
executable runs fine on my machine, but does not run on any other machine
(An error says "Can't load
for module WinHttp::API: load_file:This application has failed to start
because the application configuration is incorrect"...

WinHttp::API is my perl module that uses Inline::C and interfaces with the
WinHttp C API. API.dll is the file found in _Inline\lib\auto\WinHttp\API\.
I am using DynaLoader to load the API.dll.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

I'm assuming your problem arises because of your extension's dependency upon Inline::C. (I *do* recall that pp'ing an extension that depends upon Inline::C was not straightforward. Perhaps that's no longer the case - but I'd prefer to not have to work through it again :-)

I like to remove the Inline::C dependency from any extensions that I write - and I wrote InlineX::C2XS to facilitate this.

It would be just a matter of taking the C code (as is) from the Inline::C section of your current file(s), pasting that code into a file named (eg) '/home/me/API.c', cd'ing to an *empty* directory, and running the following script (untested):

use warnings;
use InlineX::C2XS qw(c2xs);

$version = 1.23; # or whatever

c2xs('WinHttp::API', 'WinHttp::API', {WRITE_MAKEFILE_PL => 1, WRITE_PM => 1, VERSION => $version, SRC_LOCATION => '/home/me/API.c'});

That will give you, in the current directory, a "normal" CPAN distribution that can be built in the usual way - ie 'perl Makefile.PL', 'make test', 'make install'. Obviously, you'll need to copy any existing perl code and pod documentation from your current API.pm into the API.pm that InlineX::C2XS autogenerates, and you'll need to make use of your existing test suite, CHANGES, README, etc. files (as InlineX::C2XS does not write these for you).

The Inline::C dependency has now been removed - and your left with an extension that can be treated like any other CPAN extension. There's now also the option of building a ppm package of the extension (instead of having to 'pp' it).

If this doesn't help, could you please provide more information on what you're trying to do - I'm not sure that "static linking" is *really* the solution you need.


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