On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 10:49 PM, David Oswald <daosw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I maintain Inline::CPP.  Currently that module's Makefile.PL jumps
> through a bunch of hoops to detect the C++ compiler most compatible
> with the C compiler that built perl, and to detect what default C++
> libraries should be linked in when building Inline::CPP client code.
> A lot of work has gone into tweaking to obtain better success rates
> with as wide a variety of platforms as possible.
> This work could be applicable to other modules that wish to build XS
> code based on C++.  Additionally, I would like the ability to continue
> development (there's a lot of work still to do) on this task
> independently of Inline::CPP (I don't like uploading a new Inline::CPP
> for smoke testing every time I want to smoke test a change to
> Makefile.PL while leaving the core modules virtually unchanged).
> So I intend to split this functionality out of Inline::CPP's
> Makefile.PL by creating a new module to handle the detection/guessing
> logic.
> That begs the question of what to call it.  "Config" already reveals
> information about how Perl was built (C compiler, etc.).  This is
> essentially an extension of that functionality.  Therefore, it makes
> sense to me to call it something like "Config::CPP".  But
> unfortunately, Config shares its top-level namespace with modules that
> are used to deal with configuration files (Config::Auto,
> Config::General, Config::JSON, etc.).
> My question is what would be an appropriate name for this module?

This sounds very similar to ExtUtils::CppGuess. If you don't want to
merge it with that, something in the ExtUtils namespace would be
appropriate IMO.


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