----- Original Message ----- From: "David Oswald"

Next: Dana identified that Inline will not install on Perl version
5.8.0 or earlier.  5.8.1 is ok.  The reason is because Digest::MD5 (a
dependency of Inline, I believe) has an XS component that uses a
feature that wasn't implemented until 5.8.1.  There is a bug report in
the RT for Digest::MD5, as well as two recommended patches.  But the
reports are fairly old, so I'm not sure if the author intends to fix
them.  If you look at the smoke test matrix for Digest::MD5 you will
find that starting with the most recent version, no Perl older than
5.8.1 has met with success.

There's a related bug report (which I never fully understood) at

I would've expected that Digest::MD5 was now under the maintainership of p5p, so approaces to get recent Digest::MD5 versions made backwards compatible would therefore be better directed there. (I could be wrong about that, but.)


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