Thu Jan 23 01:25:12 2014: Request 92402 was acted upon.
Transaction: Correspondence added by DAVIDO
       Queue: Inline
     Subject: Inline asks interactive question -- but doesn't have keyboard
   Broken in: (no value)
    Severity: Important
       Owner: Nobody
      Status: new
 Ticket <URL: >

On Wed Jan 22 21:24:28 2014, LAWALSH wrote:
> Example:
> Checking if your kit is complete...
> Looks good
> Inline::C is packaged with because it is the most commonly
> used
> Inline Language Support Module (ILSM).
> See also: Inline::ASM, ::Awk, ::BC, ::Basic, ::Befunge, ::CPP (C++),
> ::CPR,
> : :Foo, ::Guile, ::Java, ::Octave, ::PERL, ::Python, ::Ruby, ::TT,
> : :Tcl and ::WebChat.
> indicates that your version of Perl was built with this C
> compiler:
> gcc
> I have located this compiler on your system.
> Do you want to install Inline::C? [y] y

At this point you're experiencing the Makefile.PL for Inline::C, as the CPAN 
installer runs all Makefile.PL's within the distribution recursively.  The 
prompting is handled by ExtUtils::MakeMaker's prompt() function.  And as you 
see within the "[y]" square brackets, prompt() is being directed to supply a 

prompt() detects whether Makefile.PL has been invoked interactively, or 
non-interactively (as is the case when running the 'cpan' installer).  When 
it's invoked non-interactively, the default is used.  Inline::C supplies the 
"y" default, which seems to be what you would have selected anyway, had you 
been in interactive mode.  If Inline::C's Makefile.PL didn't supply a default, 
prompt() would use the empty string as a default in non-interactive mode, which 
would cause Inline::C's Makefile.PL to enter an endless loop (you can look at 
the source to see what I mean).  Fortunately, Inline::C's Makefile.PL does the 
right thing; it supplies a default.

So the prompting problem you're describing is actually "how things are done": 
Makefile.PL is making correct use of prompt(), supplied by ExtUtils::MakeMaker. 
 If you don't like how ExtUtils::MakeMaker::prompt works, and for the most 
part, prompt() works flawlessly across a broad range of systems and 
configurations; it has to, being part of EU::MM.

The next issue to consider is how the cpan installer works.  The basic 'cpan' 
installer (provided by App::cpan) doesn't (to my knowledge) provide an option 
for interactive installations.  So if you want to install automatically using 
the 'cpan' installer, you're going to have to accept Inline::C's defaults, 
which is exactly why defaults are provided.  It would be nice to see an 
"interactive mode" feature implemented for App::cpan /, but that's 
someone else's jurisdiction, not Inline's.  

However, if you would like a degree of automation, but still want to be able to 
hit the "y" key yourself (without waiting around for someone to implement the 
feature in App::cpan /, you may use 'cpanm' (App::cpanm, or cpanminus) 
to install Inline and Inline::C.  'cpanm' provides an "--interactive" option.  
If you invoke this command:  'cpanm --interactive Inline' you will get an 
automated installation of Inline, along with blocking prompting that you can 
respond to manually before Inline::C gets installed.

> (/home/perl/perl-5.16.3/bin/perl Makefile.PL exited with 9)
> CPAN::Reporter: test results were not valid, Command interrupted.
> No 'Makefile' created  SISYPHUS/Inline-0.53.tar.gz
>   /home/perl/perl-5.16.3/bin/perl Makefile.PL -- NOT OK
> Running make test
>   Make had some problems, won't test
> Running make install
>   Make had some problems, won't install
> ---------------------

This problem, I haven't seen before.  But it's not related to prompting.  The 
fact that you're able to achieve a successful install manually (make, make 
test, make install) indicates that your setup is capable of installing Inline 
and Inline::C.  And as indicated earlier, the prompting is working as intended.

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