# from David Oswald on Saturday 01 February 2014:
>One thing that I have considered is that many Linux distros (including
>mine) don't come with the g++ front end to the GNU compiler installed
>by default.

Hi Dave,

That would be my guess but I haven't seen an error message which 
indicates this.


The fail reports there all seem to involve faulty assumptions attempting 
to rmdir, unlink, or similar operations on the fs.

 "mv: cannot ...", "Directory not empty", "No such file or directory",
 "Can't open Makefile for input: No such file or directory"

These all probably relate to failing to check a return from a prior 
system operation or system/backtick call.  Some of that may be in the 
core Inline but IIRC Inline::CPP had quite a lot of borrowed code, so 
you might just be lacking fixes which have gone into Inline::C after the 

 "Perl API version v5.19.7 of _02basic_t_bc900f6 does not match v5.18.0"

That one sounds like a specific issue involving the tester's setup/env.  
It may or may not be worth trying to detect/workaround that case.

Many of the smoke testers are willing to help diagnose the problem or 
give you more details about how they have it setup if you contact them 


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