Excellent community involvement. I hope Inline::CPP becomes the target of
similar attention someday.

In particular, strange test-concurrency related failures (it's possible
that the changes in Inline fixed this for me) problems with multiple
inheritance,  better compatibility with template programming (I'm of the
impression this simply isn't possible since templates resolve at
compiletime and Perl is dynamic), better C++11 compatibility.
On Apr 28, 2014 6:09 AM, <sisyph...@optusnet.com.au> wrote:

> Hi,
> No changes from Inline-0.54_05.
> Changes from Inline-0.54:
> Add META.yml & META.json to distro
> Inline.pod - Add documentation regarding "with" and modules. (Thanks to Ed
> J.)
> Inline.pm - import Fcntl constants for flock (rurban).
> Inline.pm - flock only on supported platforms, would die on VMS,riscos,VOS
> (rurban).
> Makefile.PL - simplify 5.6 PREREQ_PM handling (rurban).
> Makefile.PL - add META_MERGE info (David Steinbrunner).
> Inline.pod - Correct typos (David Steinbrunner).
> C.pm - Fix localisation of $ENV{MAKEFLAGS}. (Thanks Shawn Laffan.)
> C/Makefile.PL - Apply Cygwin-specific fix (plice...@cpan.org). (Ticket
> #92144)
> C/Makefile.PL - Add ::Filters to list of know Inline extensions (rurban).
> C.pm - fix make -jn test, parallel tests (Ticket #85336) (rurban)
> C.pm - disable BUILD_NOISY redirects on MSWin32 with cmd.exe (rurban)
> C.pm - print exitcode with failed commands and MAKE* ENV values (rurban)
> C-Cookbook.pod - Correct typo (David Steinbrunner).
> C.pod - Correct typos (David Steinbrunner).
> ParseRegExp.pm - Correct typo (thanks David Steinbrunner).
> Cheers,
> Rob

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