-----Original Message----- From: Reini Urban

Yes, we at rperl are quite happy how it turned out. Thanks Rob!

You're welcome. Many thanks to you and the other contributors.

There are still some minor issues I wanted to work on, but had no time yet.

No rush - I can deal with them as they get fixed.

- need to exec make with tainted path in t/08taint.t

There's another variant of that failure just cropped up:
I don't recall having seen that one before. (The "require './t/08taint_1.p';" fails.)

- t/10callback.t error on windows in one report

That one's a bit of an odd smoker - x64 ActivePerl (built using Platform SDK) being used with mingw64 gcc-4.5.4 compiler. I doubt that it's an Inline::C bug - more likely something wrong with the hacking of some flag(s). I'd like to see a "-s" in its $Config{optimize} and I'd like to see $Config{ivtype} set to "long long" instead of "__int64". I seem to recall experiencing problems in relation to both of those (in the past) .... though I can't really see why either *should* pose any problems.
It would certainly be nice to understand what's going wrong there.

- missing LICENSE (in meta and as file)

What needs doing as regards that ?
(I can then immediately fix that in readiness for next release.)


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