Fri Jun 13 06:29:43 2014: Request 95809 was acted upon. Transaction: Correspondence added by SISYPHUS Queue: Inline Subject: [PATCH] Using Inline in a distribution with multiple modules Broken in: (no value) Severity: (no value) Owner: Nobody Requestors: Status: open Ticket <URL: >
How about the attached version of lib/Inline/ ? It seems to do things right for me on Windows. Cheers, Rob
package Inline::MakeMaker; $Inline::MakeMaker::VERSION = '0.55'; $Inline::MakeMaker::VERSION = eval $Inline::MakeMaker::VERSION; @EXPORT = qw(WriteMakefile WriteInlineMakefile); use strict; use base 'Exporter'; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker(); use Carp; sub WriteInlineMakefile { # warn <<END; # #Inline::MakeMaker::WriteInlineMakefile() is deprecated as of Inline-0.44. #Inline::MakeMaker::WriteMakefile() should be used instead. # #END goto &WriteMakefile; } sub WriteMakefile { my %args = @_; my $name = $args{NAME} or croak "Inline::MakeMaker::WriteMakefile requires the NAME parameter\n"; my $version = ''; croak <<END unless (defined $args{VERSION} or defined $args{VERSION_FROM}); Inline::MakeMaker::WriteMakefile requires either the VERSION or VERSION_FROM parameter. END if (defined $args{VERSION}) { $version = $args{VERSION}; } else { $version = ExtUtils::MM_Unix->parse_version($args{VERSION_FROM}) or croak "Can't determine version for $name\n"; } croak <<END unless $version =~ /^\d\.\d\d$/; Invalid version '$version' for $name. Must be of the form '#.##'. (For instance '1.23') END # Provide a convenience rule to clean up Inline's messes $args{clean} = { FILES => "_Inline *.inl " } unless defined $args{clean}; # Add Inline to the dependencies $args{PREREQ_PM}{Inline} = '0.44' unless defined $args{PREREQ_PM}{Inline}; my $mm = &ExtUtils::MakeMaker::WriteMakefile(%args); my (@objects, @obj_rules); if (@{$mm->{PMLIBDIRS}} && $mm->{PM}) { #line 55 SIS alteration # Sort them longest first so we'll match subdirectories before their parents my @libdirs = sort { length($b) <=> length($a) } @{$mm->{PMLIBDIRS}}; for my $path (keys %{$mm->{PM}}) { for my $lib (@libdirs) { if (index($path,$lib) == 0) { my ($vol, $dirs, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath(substr($path, length($lib)+1)); my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($dirs); pop @dirs unless length($dirs[$#dirs]); $file =~ s/\.[^.]+$//; push @objects, join('::', @dirs, $file); push @obj_rules, join('-', @dirs, "$file.inl"); last; } croak "Failed to find module path for '$path'"; } } } else { # no modules found in PMLIBDIRS so assume we've just got $name to do @objects = $name; $name =~ s/::/-/g; @obj_rules = ("$name.inl"); #@obj_rules = (split(/::/, $name))[-1].'.inl'; } if (@objects) { open MAKEFILE, '>> Makefile' or croak "Inline::MakeMaker::WriteMakefile can't append to Makefile:\n$!"; print MAKEFILE <<MAKEFILE; # Well, not quite. Inline::MakeMaker is adding this: # --- MakeMaker inline section: MAKEFILE for (0..$#objects) { print MAKEFILE <<MAKEFILE; $obj_rules[$_]: \$(TO_INST_PM) \$(PERL) -Mblib -MInline=NOISY,_INSTALL_ -M$objects[$_] -e1 $version \$(INST_ARCHLIB) \$(PERL) -e "open WR, '>', '$obj_rules[$_]' unless -e '$obj_rules[$_]';" MAKEFILE } print MAKEFILE "\npure_all :: ",join(' ',@obj_rules),"\n"; print MAKEFILE <<MAKEFILE; # The End is here. MAKEFILE close MAKEFILE; } } 1;