Sat Jun 21 00:21:40 2014: Request 95809 was acted upon.
Transaction: Correspondence added by SISYPHUS
       Queue: Inline
     Subject: [PATCH] Using Inline in a distribution with multiple modules
   Broken in: (no value)
    Severity: (no value)
       Owner: Nobody
      Status: open
 Ticket <URL: >

Inline-0.55_01, which contains the fix for this bug was released to CPAN on 
19th June 2014.

There's no testing of this specific bugfix in the test suite, though there are 
the 2 demo modules modules/Math-Simple-1.23 and modules/Boo-2.01 - both of 
which should build and test fine as a result of this bugfix.
Math-Simple-1.23 has always built fine, but Boo-2.01 (added with this latest 
release) does not build correctly with earlier versions of Inline.


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