Hi Brian, 

The issue discussed in this I-D applies each time you have to share an IPv4 
address. This covers IPv4 service continuity mechanism with IPv6-only 
connectivity such as: NAT64, DS-Lite, MAP-E, MAP-T and lw4o6. 

There is IMHO a value in socializing the IETF BCP and help 
servers/implementation fixing this.  


> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Int-area [mailto:int-area-boun...@ietf.org] De la part de Brian E
> Carpenter
> Envoyé : dimanche 22 avril 2018 07:31
> À : int-area@ietf.org
> Cc : Stephen Farrell
> Objet : Re: [Int-area] WG adoption call: Availability of Information in
> Criminal Investigations Involving Large-Scale IP Address Sharing Technologies
> On 22/04/2018 04:24, Stephen Farrell wrote:
> >
> > Hiya,
> >
> > I've read this draft and do not support adoption of a
> > draft with this scope.
> I see that this draft started its life as a submission to
> the Independent Submissions editor:
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/conflict-review-daveor-cgn-logging/
> The IESG is probably correct about the overlap, but I think I agree
> with Stephen that the draft is scoped as if port logging is always
> OK. That's a possible scope for an Independent Submission to
> choose, but clearly getting IETF consensus on it is another question.
> However, WG adoption doesn't imply accepting the contents, only
> the topic. Actually it transforms the authors from independent actors
> into servants of the WG. So from a formal viewpoint Stephen is wrong:
> the WG can decide to completely change the scope and viewpoint of the
> draft, even if the authors disagree. I certainly think a discussion
> of the downsides is needed, and the cross-WG reviews that Stephen
> mentions.
> I do have another comment about adoption. This is an IPv4 technology.
> Do we really want to spent IETF cycles on it? I'd prefer that we
> adopt https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-george-ipv6-support-03 .
>    Brian
> >
> > I do support consideration of how law enforcement
> > investigations can be carried out, but not without a
> > similar level of consideration of the real trade-offs
> > between assisting law enforcement and commercial or
> > other surveillance. At present, the draft is nowhere
> > near sufficient in this respect. (Despite saying that
> > "Clearly a balance needs to be struck between individual
> > right to privacy and law enforcement access to data
> > during criminal investigations" the draft is anything
> > but balanced in that respect.)
> >
> > I don't think that this problem is a thing that'd be
> > reasonable to try fix after WG adoption, but needs to be
> > handled beforehand as it's a fundamental scope issue.
> >
> > In other words, I believe this draft just has the wrong
> > scope, and if adopted would be likely quite controversial
> > before publication. In contrast, a draft that really does
> > consider the trade-offs related to logging could be quite
> > valuable and if it provided a balanced approach might even
> > not be controversial.
> >
> > (FWIW, I might be willing to try help out a bit on a draft
> > that did have what I think is an appropriate scope, as I do
> > think more appropriate logging is a reasonable goal. But
> > before accepting that offer be aware that IMO sometimes
> > "more appropriate" ought mean only logging minimal data for
> > a very short period and then thoroughly scrubbing all of
> > that:-)
> >
> > Separately, if a document on this topic is to be adopted
> > by any IETF WG, I think the adoption call ought be widely
> > circulated (esp to saag, and art-area lists) as this is a
> > topic that is likely to attract interest from various folks
> > in other areas, and it'd be much better to figure out early
> > and not late if others also see problems with this draft.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > S.
> >
> > PS: I'm not subscribed to the int-area list so please do
> > cc' me on any follow ups.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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