On Wed, May 02, 2018 at 11:15:54AM +0100, Dave O'Reilly wrote:
> Referring to the mission statement: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3935
> "The goal of the IETF is to make the Internet work better.”
> I offer the following thoughts:
> 1. Definition of the term “Internet”
> RFC3935 defines “Internet” as follows:
> The Internet: A large, heterogeneous collection of interconnected systems 
> that can be used for communication of many different types between any 
> interested parties connected to it.  
> 2. Definition of the term “better”
> This term is undefined in the document. However, However, I put forward the 
> following argument for your consideration:

Since the Internet is about communication, I would interpret
"better" in this context as improving and encouraging communication.
Any logging however, if not done as a temporary measure to understand
and enhance a protocol (configuration), will potentially discourage

> a. “Better” will in some sense incorporate “more secure”
> b. Security includes consideration of the implications of breaches of security
> c. The implications of a breach of security need to take into account the 
> risks to privacy ****BUT ALSO THE RIGHTS OF VICTIMS OF CRIME****

To me this draft has the potential to stifle the rights of
victims, too: A permanent IP/source-port logging could create a
significant barrier for victims to seek help and guidance over the
Internet. I could not find any such considerations in the current

Regards, Linus

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