Dear all,

On reflection, I would like to send a clarification to my previous email. 

I didn’t want to see the conversation going all the way back to the beginning 
and covering the same ground again, so I responded to this email in haste.

In particular in relation to this comment:

> I don’t think even those who are most aggressively opposed to the viewpoint I 
> am espousing here would agree with you that "any logging however, if not done 
> as a temporary measure to understand and enhance a protocol would potentially 
> discourage communication”.

It is a mischaracterisation to represent those with whom I have been engaged as 
“aggressively opposed” to my viewpoint. I think we have covered a lot of ground 
here and both positions have been put forward with gusto but never 
aggressively. I would also like to say that I think that this has been a very 
worthwhile discussion. This comment subtracts from the value of the discussion 
and I apologise for that.


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